
Sneha Suresh (India) finished my Online Alpine Bootcamp and helped me design the Alpine Field Bootcamp. She is planning a 2 week 150km circuit across 5 high passes across the Eastern Dhauladar in Autumn 2023. Beas valley > Dhauladar -> Ravi river -> Dhauladar -> Barot valley -> Lug valley -> Beas.

Actual Plan
Following base villages (food supply) and mountain passes will be traversed via OSM mapped hiking routes: Pangan – Kaliheni – Bara Bhanghal – Thamsar – Baragaran – Lohardi – Sari Galu – Kadingcha – Pass – Galang – Pass – Mankot
Navigation will be done with offline OSM maps and contours using OSMAnd mobile app. She will go ultra light (25L bag / 4kg) just carrying sufficient food to the next in-between village. Two major sections include Kaliheni (4800m) 3-days and Thamsar (4600m) 2-days. Other passes are single day crossings in the foothills. No cooking along the way.