Kugti Pass (5040m) From: Rapay village, Lahaul (2800m)To: Kugti village, Chamba (2600m)Duration: 2 daysAscend: 2240mDescend: 2440mTerrain: meadows (valleys), lose rocks,…
Unknown Jot From: Tuan, Pangi (3000m)To: Miyar, Pangi (4100m)Ascend: 2360mDescend: 1260mTerrain: meadows, moraines, glacier (both sides)Gradient: steepDifficulty: highDangerous: steep glacier,…
Sural Valley Colorful alpine meadows in the Sural valley in Pangi while climbing down from the Tinglotti pass (4800m) Climbing up Steep…
Shepherds Sheep grazing alpine meadows above Tindi village in Pangi valley on the way to the Darati pass (4650m) Alpine…