Over 90 days during winter from mid Nov 2020 to mid Feb 2021 I hiked 2000km trans Uttarakhand covering 110 lesser known passes with a total elevation gain of 1.7 lakh meters (equal to 19x height of Everest). To plan my journey I mapped thousands of trails from the Survey of India maps which appeared to be 90% accurate and still existing. Below a summary of my journey.
The Journey

Mapping the Himalayas

Presentation at The Himalayan Club

Maps of my Journey

Explorers Web – 2000km through Indian Himalaya

Explorers Web – Trail maps of the India Himalaya

Explorers Web – Interview

Explorers Web Magazine – 5,000km Through the Indian Himalaya

Gear Review Winter 20/21

Uttarakhand Winter 20/21 – Videos