Alpine Hiking 5H – Wildlife

Not exactly part of the Himalayan “Terrain” but a standard question in any Q&A session is “How do you manage wildlife?”. So let’s share a few words on the same in this chapter. “Wild”life as we call it is a misnomer. People living in concrete cities in the plains have become disconnected from nature and mountains and anything in there is now considered as “Wild”.

I would rather term people as “Wild” having destroyed most of the bio-diversity on this planet. I have spent decades in South Indian jungles full of wildlife and thousands of kilometres in the remotest corners of the Himalayas having “encountered” many animals but never once been harassed or attacked by any. I generally believe that animals have live in their own ecosystem and do not approach humans unless they feel threatened.

Rule #1 here is “make your presence felt”. Avoid a surprise encounter which might scare the animal to defend itself. Above the tree line animals generally see us coming from far away. Below the tree line whenever you sense any presence you can make some noise to give a heads up to any animals about your whereabouts. Animals usually avoid confrontation and will move away.

Based on encounters, I always assumed there is much more wildlife in the lower-altitude jungles of South than in the barren / more extreme climate of high Himalayas. Still seeing the number of foot imprints in snow during my winter explorations I can assure you the Himalayas have abundant wildlife.

Encounter with a recently deceased leopard in the remote jungles of Uttarakhand

Night stay

Where a “surprise encounter” is less likely to occur in broad daylight, during night stay you might take some pre-cautions. As mentioned earlier I usually complete most passes / traverses in a single day which means I usually camp in the valleys / villages where (among other benefits) you are probably safer from nocturnal wildlife encounters.

When camping out in the wild I usually try to settle down in a rock shelter or deserted summer dwelling. While camping in the open you might light up a small fire as animals are usually scared of fire. Camping in open spaces at higher altitudes (meadows, ridgelines) might also lead to less encounters compared to camping inside a dense forest. So you might plan to either stay above the tree line or descend through forest into valley to nearest village for the night.

Ensure not to let any (fresh) food be in the open near where you sleep to avoid animals getting attracted to the scent. I usually pack up any left-over fresh food in my air tight dry bag to eliminate any possible smell. Staying in a pitched up tent (larger unfamiliar object) compared to sleeping in the open on the ground might also discourage animals from approaching a resting hiker.

Himalayan Fauna

Will end this module with a few common inhabitants of the Himalayas:

The Himalayan Black Bear, or Indian Black Bear, is a sight to come across, with its massive body, as it weighs 265 pounds. Bears are omnivores whose diet includes nuts, fruits, roots, honey and insects such as termites and beetle larvae. They are also known to prey on livestock in case of food scarcity.

Red Panda is an endangered animal found in the Himalayas, whose total population is believed to be less than 10,000 mature individuals. This rare Himalayan animal is easily identified by its reddish brown fur, long shaggy tail and peculiar gait. Apart from bamboo, it also feeds on eggs, birds and insects. The red panda is also an excellent climber, and can be seen searching for food in trees. Catching this amazing animal in action is a rare delight.

The snow leopard rejoices in its beauty and majesty. Catching a sight of the snow leopard in the Himalayas, with its long twisted tail and white gray coat with rose shaped dots and rosettes, fulfills your trip to the Indian Himalayas. The snow leopard is a carnivore and hunts its prey, including Himalayan animals like Blue Sheep, Himalayan Tahr & Wild Goa

Among the native animals of the Himalayas, the Himalayan Yak, or the Domestic Yak, is perhaps the largest of all, weighing upto 500 kilograms. It stands almost 6 feet tall at the shoulder, and is characterised by a distinct hump at the shoulders. Despite their intimidating appearance, they have been domesticated for thousands of years, for their milk, fibre, and meat, besides serving as beasts of burden

Himalayan Tahr, sadly, is counted among the endangered animals in the Himalayas, and is listed as “Near Threatened” on the IUCN Red List. Although it resembles a domestic goat, it belongs to the family of wild goats and inhabits the rugged wooden hills and mountain slopes. Their thick, reddish wool coats & thick undercoats help them to cope with the harsh temperatures of the Himalayas.

The Himalayan Marmot is a social animal, used to living in colonies. It is found across the Himalayan regions of India, Pakistan and Nepal, along with the Tibetan Plateau. This Himalayan animal is counted among the largest marmots in the world, and bears resemblance to a large housecat. They always live in colonies and excavate deep burrows which are shared by everyone during hibernation.

Nature has painted the Himalayn Monal Pheasant with various colours, and it is as colourful a bird as any. It is the national bird of Nepal and the state bird of Uttarakhand. Anybody who comes across this exotic animal found in the Himalayas will be impressed at first sight with its multicoloured plumage,metallic green crest, white rump and coppery feathers both on the neck & back. The females are identified by their white patch on the throat and white strips on the tail

Musk Deer looks like a small deer, with a stocky physique and hind legs stronger than the front ones. They live in dense jungles in the hills, far away from humans. Like other deer, they are herbivores, with leaves, flowers, grasses, lichens and mosses being their primary sources of food. It is unfortunate that the musk deer came to be categorised as an endangered animal in the Himalayas as it was widely hunted for its musk gland, an ingredient used in the preparation of perfumes.

Bharal, one of the native animals of the Himalayas, is known by many names: blue sheep, Chinese Blue Sheep, Himalayan Blue Sheep or Naur. They stand 91 cm high at the shoulder, and weigh almost 75 kilos, with males being larger than females. Bharals are known to camouflage exceptionally well, a quality which serves them in times of danger from predators.

Same order as above


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