After an intense crossing of the Silpari pass at 3000m covered below 2 feet of snow all I could think of was a dhaba to replenish the lost calories. I hitched a ride to Chiwan where I filled up my tummy and slept off in the forest above the hamlet watching the moonlit snow peaks.

I woke up the next morning at day break, packed up some snacks and crossed the Asj Ganga river climbing up through the picturesque village of Utraon where a family invited me for a cup of chai. From their rooftop I had a bird’s eye view on the beautiful hamlet. I continued my way up through pine forest along a nice rock path.

I passed through two deserted farming hamlets which were probably semi nomadic: only in use during the summer months. Abandoned during winter due to cold at these higher altitudes. I crossed the pass and descended through the hamlets of Nismor, Godhara, Khurkot. I reached the valley by noon, was feeling hungry and had a cup of tea and bun in a small dhaba at Barangaon.

From here I continued along a scenic path climbing up gradually through shady forest on the opposite side of the valley. The path joined a long ridge trail that would lead me to Uttarakashi. Mid way i encountered a forest fire that was gently converting the dry grasses to ash. Some ladies were collecting dry grasses to feed their cattle down in the valley.

On the way down I came across a clear stream in which I washed my clothes after nearly a week of fast hiking through Uttarakhand. I reached the highway near Uttarakashi and took a share taxi downstream the Bagiarathi river to the village of Dunda at the base of my next traverse. I had a sumptuous dinner and recharged my phone, camping on the opposite site of the valley

Trans Hima 2020 – 9 Chiwan – Unknown pass – Barangaon – Uttarakashi After an intense crossing of the Silpari pass at…
Posted by Peter Van Geit on Sunday, 29 November 2020