I had yummy fried mommo’s for dinner in a road side dhaba in Bandarkot, packed up the same for breakfast and a long night walk followed to find a suitable camping spot in a farmland just outside Panjyala. Festivities at local temple were going on till midnight with fireworks.

I woke up early the next morning and followed a clear path up the Rano gad valley. After passing through a small hamlet the path climbs up on the right side of the valley. After a while you hit the isolated dwelling of Chatrali where a family guided me on the path towards the Dhayakarsu pass at 3000m leading into the Yamuna river valley.

I climbed up further and continued along a long gradual ridge above Chatrali offering scenic views on the valley below. On the other side of the pass a shepherd was climbing up through fresh snow. My fourth encounter with the gaddis in one week. The shepherd, his two daughters and a big dog were guiding some 50 sheep steep uphill.

Snow usually melts on the Eastern and Southern flanks and remains longer on the Western and Northern sides with less solar exposure. While descending I lost the trail and ended up climbing down a steep gully to the main valley below. I took a calculated risk as I might not find any trail and the main valley stream might be too steep to traverse.

Luckily I found a fresh trail in this dense jungle just above the stream that lead me to the main valley where I met two villagers collecting bamboos from the forest. Here I found a wide path along the river that got me to the first hamlet of Kapula where friendly villagers welcomed me with a steaming cup of black tea. A short walk got me to Kutnaur in the Yamuna river valley.


Trans Hima 2020 – 6 Bandarkot – Dhayakarsu pass – Kutnaur I had yummy fried mommo's for dinner in a road side dhaba in…
Posted by Peter Van Geit on Wednesday, 25 November 2020
Nice write up . Keep going Peter and define new route .
Wish you all the best