Alpine Hiking 9B – Passes & Peaks

In this module we will retrieve all Himalayan passes and peaks from Open Street Maps and visualize them appropriately in QGIS. Ultimate goal is to automatically generate a district wise atlas of the Western Himalayas showing passes, peaks and alpine lakes on an standard OSM base map.

Resize the main QGIS map view such that it nicely fits all 4 Himalayan states without much extra surrounding area such that we minimize the data queried from OSM. See Image 1 below.

States and Districts of the Western Indian Himalayas

Mountain Passes

Let’s start by retrieving all mountain passes in the current map view. Open up QuickOSM plug-in from the toolbar and query “mountain_pass=yes” within the “Canvas Extent”. Resulting passes (approx. 1477) are overlaid on the OSM base map in QGIS. See Images 1+2 below

Similar to districts, let’s clip the mountain passes within the 4 Himalayan states by running the “Intersection” tool (“Vector”, “Geoprocessing” menu). Save the resulting vector layer (1393 Himalayan passes) as an ESRI shapefile layer and remove the original vector layer returned by QuickOSM (approx. 1477 passes within the QGIS map winwod extent). See Images 3+4+5 below.

Query mountain passes from Open Street Maps through QGIS
Mountain passes queried from OSM shown in QGIS
Clipping the mountain passes within the Himalayan states
Himalayan passes clipped by the Himalayan states (shown in pink)
Save Himalayan Passes vector layer as an ESRI shapefile


Let’s visualize Himalayan passes with a red cross. Right click properties on the vector layer, under “Symbology” select “X” as a Simple marker with “size=2” and “stroke width=0.25”. Under “Labels” select the OSM “name” field as “Single Label”. See Images 1+2+3 below.

Visualizing Himalayan passes as red X on the map
Displaying the OSM names next to each Himalayan pass
1393 Himalayan passes shown on an OSM base map

Mountain Peaks

Use the QuickOSM plug-in to query “natural=peak” with the “Canvas Extent” (ensure the QGIS map view encloses all 4 Himalayan states). See Image 1 below. This will return all mountain peaks within the map view extent. Similar as above intersect the resulting mountain peaks with the 4 Himalayan states using the “Intersection” tool.

This results in approx. 1958 mountain peaks located within the Western Himalayas. Let’s visualize the peaks with an orange triangle symbol as per Images 2+3 below. Select the OSM “name” tag as “Label” in QGIS.

Querying mountain peaks using QuickOSM plug-in
Visualizing Himalayan peaks in QGIS
1958 Himalayan peaks across the Western Himalayas


Acknowledge your understanding of the concepts learned in this module by submitting the below assignment.

All OSM mountain passes and peaks visualized on a standard OSM base map in QGIS

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