Alpine Hiking 4F – Electronics

My primary device for navigation while exploring new regions in the Himalayas is my phone. It stores offline geo-referenced maps and contours (topography) for a large region (multiple states) and the built-in GPS receiver shows my exact location of the map. I also GPS record my journeys using Geo Tracker, a recording app to upload the newly explored trails on Open Street Maps.

Being a passionate photographer I also take lots of photos and videos amounting to approx. 1.5GB per day. I use WordPress to blog offline daily while hiking in the mountains (and post once I get network in valleys). Peakfinder is yet another useful app which to identify (offline) peaks along the skyline while hiking.

Carrying complete offline maps I do not require a network / data connection and therefore keep my phone in flight mode to extend battery life. The battery of a relatively new phone (less than 2 years old) will easily go up to 2 days in flight mode, sufficient to cover 90% of my traverses which I fast hike in just 1-2 days.

Battery management

I charge my phone whenever I take a food break or night halt at any inhabited village along the way. Using a (OnePlus) phone fast charging adapter my battery charges to 90% while I finish I have my dinner or breakfast thereby optimizing time (important for a fast hiker). It’s important to get in the habit of recharging your phone whenever you take a break along the way to keep your main navigation device powered.

I carry a (lightweight, 220 grams) 10.000 mhA powerbank as a backup for the longer traverses which gives me 2-3 full recharges thereby offering me an additional 3-5 days of battery backup sufficient for the longest traverses in remote regions like Ladakh or Zanskar. One drawback of the OnePlus fast charger is that it’s a bit more bulky and heavy. This brings the total weight of my electronics to 650 grams – more than my sleeping bag or tent!

Phone – 250 grams
Charger – 200 grams
Power bank – 200 grams
Total – 650 grams

GPS Watch

Although the phone provides a complete solution for navigation (offline maps, GPS, large screen) I have been carrying a (Suunto 9 baro) GPS watch in my recent journey. GPS recording is done by the watch (thereby saving phone battery). Although the watch has a smaller battery capacity (1000 mhA) it lasts longer than the phone and allows me to backtrack (safety) if anything happens to my phone (lost, battery, screen).

The watch is also more rugged for bad weather (rain, cold) compared to a regular phone. The watch offers only basic navigation features (GPX file, compass, altimeter) but lacks the ability to store offline maps / contours for larger regions and the smaller screen is less convenient to navigate a longer traverse.


Acknowledge your understanding of GPS phone to navigate while exploring remote mountain regions

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