Alpine Hiking 3G – Night Stay

Yet another important part of planning your journey through the mountains is planning your night halts. We already partly covered this aspect in first module (elevation profile) while planning multi-day hiking routes. Below a few additional important points in selecting a suitable spot for the night.

As a lightweight fast hiker I cross most (90%) passes in a single day which means I reach the village in the next valley before night fall. This has many benefits – dinner / breakfast is served, night stay at lower altitude in valley (much warmer), hospitality in small villages, recharging my electronics while I eat / sleep (optimizing time).

I do sometimes prefer to camp on the ridgelines / high meadows / peaks to get treated on mesmerizing sunsets and sunrises / night skies but it comes at a cost – very cold nights at higher altitude / exposed to cold wind, to carry dinner / BF and not possible to charge my electronics overnight. Never camp at higher altitudes without checking the weather forecast in advance.


For many hiking routes you’ll find various types of shelters along the way:

Deserted hamlets – a seasonal summer dwelling or permanent deserted hamlet (many in Uttarakhand)
Closed rock shelter – closed rock igloo used by shepherds during summers
Open rock shelter – rock walls, two pillars, used by shepherds, closed with tarpaulin
Shepherds & mountain tribes (gujjar’s)
Temples & dhaba’s

A shelter is preferred night stay as it breaks the cold night wind and offers some extra safety from weather elements and wildlife (if any). Closed shelters (roof) also protect you from rain and snow.

In absence of a shelter, you can identify a suitable campsite to pitch up your own tent. This usually means a flat space (to sleep comfortably) and nearby a stream (drinkable water). Remember rule #1 – identify a spot which breaks the cold night wind which will constantly drain your body warmth all night. It’ll make a big difference in sleeping warmer and more comfortable.

There is no point carrying a heavy tent with you in steep terrain and pitching it up in an open meadow exposed to the cold night wind. In my 120 days ultra journey in 2019 across 3500km and 120 high passes I camped at least 80 days without using my tent simply by choosing a suitable location / shelter out of the cold night wind.

Deserted summer dwelling at base of Gaj pass in Dhauladar
Closed rock shelter along the Kaliheni Nala at base of Kaliheni pass
An open rock shelter on the way to the Jalsu pass


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