The annual seasons are an important factor while planning your hiking journeys. Some routes in the mountains are easy in certain seasons while nearly impossible during other seasons. Always plan your hike in the right time of year taking into account the major seasons below.
Summer is usually regarded as the best season to hike the high mountains for a number of reasons:
Temperatures are warmer
Winter snow is cleared
High passes / peaks are open
At the same time, during early / mid summer (July-August) when the sun shines at its brightest the glacial ice and winter snow melt is at its peak. As a result many streams turn into dangerous torrents with increased water level and strong currents. During a summer afternoon it can be impossible to cross certain streams due to heavy melt water. Solution is to go in either late summer (when winter snow / ice melt reduces) or attempt an early morning crossing (less melt after a cold, freezing night). Especially in the heavily eroded landscape of Ladakh / Zanskar where streams flow through narrow gorges many routes becomes impossible due to peak melt water flow
During July to mid August the Southwest monsoon is active leading to periods of high down poor in the lower Himalayas. The monsoon (usually) does not get across the high ranges (Great Himalayan Range, Pir Panjal) leaving the upper Himalayas relatively dry. During these months it is not advisable to hike in the lower Himalayas as streams are turned into ferocious water torrents impossible to cross. It’s not unlikely for bridges to get washed away during peak monsoon or peak summer / melt.
You are also likely to encounter landslides on steeper / prone slopes and possibility of leeches. During this period it’s better to head out to the high altitude deserts of Ladakh, Zanskar, Spiti and Lahaul – rain show regions behind the Himalayan high ranges.
Aside from colder temperatures, winter seasons also means snowfall in much of the Himalayas above 2000m. Hiking in snow is not impossible but it is definitely more challenging. Snow covers the landscape with a white blanket blanking out trails and making it difficult to find the way (unless someone opens the trail for you). Once snow goes above the knee level hiking becomes very effort intensive (especially on steeper slopes) and progress becomes much slower.
It’s usually good to not venture too high above the snowline as a result. The snowline is highly dynamic – it keeps moving down (fresh snowfall) and up (sunny days) so planning your winter journey is more dynamic as per the recent weather conditions. One benefit of winter is the weather – weather is usually more stable and clear during winters compared to other seasons making it more suitable to hike to certain regions.
You’ll also notice a big difference in snow cover on sun exposed slopes (East-South) vs shadow slopes (West-North). The snowline will be at significant different altitudes on either of these.
Acknowledge your understanding of the importance of the seasons while planning your journey in the high mountains. Temperature, winter snow melt, monsoon rain and fresh winter snow determine which routes are accessible and which not.